Saturday, May 25, 2024

#BookReview Policy & Other Info #WritingCommunity


Book Reviews:

Need a #review? I'm up and going again. 
Stats: Twitter (1542) - Facebook Pages (19.8k combined) -  TikTok (2769) - Facebook Group (209) - Newsletter Subscribers (672) - Blog Followers (776) - Blog Subscribers (5321) - Facebook Profile (5k+) - Instagram (3516) - On Tribel & Threads as well - Goodreads (851)

Need a review?
Adult Reviews HERE

Print #books will get priority and also get a #video review. Reach out for the shipping address. (If I work with you regularly, I will provide my cell phone number.)

Socrates is Downstairs Events:

Want in on upcoming promo events? Please contact me as space will be limited for authors in all events so that everyone gets adequate promotion in each. Spots are first come, first served, so feel free to book early. Don't see any listed yet? Feel free to email me for the list of events before they're posted on-site.


Please feel free to send a giveaway opportunity for A Moment With Mystee readers. These can be ebooks or print books - it can be swag or anything else you like (any combination). Please contact me to set up a giveaway. You are also allowed to promo ONE book of your choice.

Author Guest Posts:

Feel free to email me your post - topic of your choice - along with promo info. for ONE book of your choice. We will determine the best date to schedule once I have it.

Author Interviews:

Please contact me if you would like to do a review. I would love to have a month of daily author interviews. You may also include promo info for ONE book of your choice.

Promo Posts/Spotlights:

Get to me early on these if you have a special release date in mind. Please make sure you have your info all set in a simple copy/paste format.

          New Releases:

Get to me early on these if you have a special release date in mind. Please make sure you have your info all set in a simple copy/paste format.

Industry Spotlights:

Are you an editor? Cover designers? Proofreader, etc? Contact me if you would like to submit a write-up about what you do and how authors can get in touch.
Product Reviews:

I did these several years ago, but have since removed most of the content. I am open to doing it again, so please contact me and we can see what we can work out.


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