Monday, June 17, 2024

Telling Tales ~4: #Homeschooling


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Each week I'm going to try to bring a little of my experience with homeschool right here. Some of you may have experienced it, some of you most likely will...some may be fortunate enough to have everything run smoothly. In any case, I do hope you'll join me each week for some tidbits.

(Please feel free to send me your myths...I'll see if I can prove them correct or incorrect in upcoming features -

Myth #4: Homeschooling is for parents that just don't want to deal with the rules of public school.

INCORRECT -- Sort of. Here's why:
I didn't want to deal with the rules of public school and many other homeschooling parents don't want to either. But, it's not for the reason(s) you might think. I didn't have an issue getting up, feeding them, driving them, helping them with required homework, purchasing school supplies, etc. I DID have a problem with my children being lumped into one learning style...being left behind because they learned differently...being bored because it was too easy for them and others weren't learning at their pace. I DID have a problem with them not being able to express themselves, be heard, be different, have a say in the time of day they learned, and have a say when they needed a break to reset...
That being said, rules aren't a problem for homeschooling parents, a commitment to education isn't a problem for homeschooling parents, and a commitment to their children isn't a problem for homeschooling parents.
Public school would have placed my children in boxes, the same boxes as all the others, and I wanted their individuality to shine.


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